Capacity building grant will support tribe’s youth programs and facilitieS https://indiancountrytoday.com/the-press-pool/herring-pond-wampanoag-awarded-145000-from-native-youth-empowerment-foundation?fbclid=IwAR3KDRpry2knq-QH_P2Oxj789ORb8NUD_aJvwon6xMjimhh9umeeFNZxEew News Release Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe of Plymouth, Massachusetts, is pleased to announce they have been awarded a $145,000 capacity building grant from the Native Youth Empowerment Foundation of Massachusetts. The grant will support the continuing efforts of the tribe’s mission to preserve, promote, and protect the cultural, spiritual and economic well-being of its tribal…
September 10, 2022
To access our library collection click the link below and email info@herringpondtribe.org to check out a book! https://www.librarycat.org/lib/Herringpond
August 17, 2022
https://www.capenews.net/bourne/news/bournes-herring-pond-tribe-wants-its-history-heard/article_790fa118-750c-56a6-ace0-634bb32302df.html Melissa Ferretti, chairwoman of the Herring Pond Tribe, points to a photo of her Aunt Hazel and Cousin Troy, shown center wearing traditional regalia.By CALLI REMILLARD Like most stories, history can change depending on who is telling it. And for a long time, members of the Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe let their history be told for them. But now, they want to tell it themselves. Melissa A. Ferretti, chairwoman…
June 14, 2022
Old Colony Memorial By Rich Harbert wickedlocal.com From Below – “Melissa Ferretti and Madison Hunt of the Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe visited Indian Brook Elementary School last Wednesday to share the Native American legend of the three sisters and help third-graders plant corn, beans and squash. Ferretti, who is chairwoman of the tribe, attended the school when it opened years ago. She told students the legend of how three quarreling…
https://www.wgbh.org/news/politics/2022/05/17/special-commission-backs-new-state-seal-and-motto-for-massachusetts By Adam Reilly May 17, 2022 The special commission charged with reevaluating Massachusetts’ state seal and motto voted unanimously Tuesday to recommend that both be completely replaced. The current state seal, which dates back to 1898, depicts a Native American holding a bow and arrow and standing beneath an arm holding a sword — representing the colonial military leader Myles Standish — poised as if to strike. A motto in…
May 23, 2022
Protect and steward the unique Coastal Pine Barrens and finite natural resources of Southeastern Massachusetts We are a statewide network of groups and individuals taking action to protect our land and water to ensure a livable future for all life on Earth. That means clean water, healthy ecosystems and forests that support the world-class biodiversity at our doorsteps. Massachusetts has one of the most unique forested ecosystems here at home and…
May 19, 2022
http://www.naicob.org/resources.html NAICOB Violence Against Native American Women in Massachusetts: A Guide to Seeking Assistance NAICOB DVSA Resource Guide.pdfDownload File NAICOB Jay Treaty Guide NAICOB Jay Treaty Guide.pdfDownload File NAICOB Indian Child Welfare Act GuidesNAICOB Peer Recovery Support Centers ICWA Basic Guide.pdfDownload File ICWA Detailed Guide.pdfDownload FilePRSC GuideDownload File NAICOB Supporting Caregiver Grandparents Program Resource GuideThrough the generous support of the Administration for Native Americans, NAICOB produced a resources guide for elders…